Film perforated heating roller

  • 发布日期:2021-10-29 17:37
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 产品区域:福建泉州市
  • 浏览次数513
  • 留言咨询
The plastic packaging film is perforated by the mechanical equipment, the precision of the punching needle roller is high, the hole pitch and the aperture size are uniform, the needle tip height is uniform, the aperture size (self-adjusting), and the punching requirement is customized according to the customer's requirements. The perforated film is widely used in the perforated and breathable products of packaging films such as bread, food, flowers, and medical. The heating roller punching needle roller mold assembly is directly installed on the plastic film blowing machine and the slitting machine for punching production, and has high efficiency, simple operation and convenient adjustment. Quanzhou Xiangfei Machinery Factory Telephone (Fax) 0595-22392190 Contact 13808545457 Email:


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